"Do not yield to discouragement in the face of difficulties and do not abandon yourselves to false solutions which often seem the easiest way to overcome problems. Do not be afraid to make a commitment, to face hard work and sacrifice, to choose the paths that demand fidelity and constancy, humility and dedication. Be confident in your youth and its profound desires for happiness, truth, beauty and genuine love! Live fully this time in your life so rich and so full of enthusiasm."
"Let us look with greater hope to the future; let us encourage one another on our journey."
~ Papa Benedict XVI

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do You Sew?

If you do, could i ask you a favor? 

I need scraps!  Not the kind you set aside for another project, the ones that you throw away. Yep, those!

Tee hee hee! I have not lost my mind! 
Its a project ... a fascinating, new, exciting, quilting type adventure.  But i need small pieces in various shapes, sizes and colors (you could add bigger pieces if you'd like - i will not turn them away! Actually i could use those too.)
I do not sew enough yet to have many of my own scraps (but yes, i do save mine - though i never knew why until now!)

Anyway - i'm not telling exactly what its for yet ...if i don't get to it for a while (i have a couple of dresses to make and a birthday gift to crochet!) i don't want to disappoint anyone.  But i will eventually share. :  )

If  you can help me out please leave a comment below and i will email you back ... We will pay for shipping ...yes, for mailing us your garbage!
Thank you so much for your help!

ps.  If you know anyone else that sews please direct them here, i am serious about this! Thanks!


allison said...

I'm going to send Allison at A Broken Fortress blog to this post - she's a sewer and is bound to have scraps - if not right now, she'll have them within a week! I may have some too, but I'll have to check. Have a great week!
By Katie at 6:03 AM

allison said...

Hi! I had a friend direct me over here, I sew for a living :) I have tons of scraps and extra fabrics I have no use for. Email me and let me know what types of fabrics you're looking for.
By Allison at 6:31 AM

allison said...

Thank you Katie and Allison!

I will email soon!

Susana of Montessori Candy said...

Hi Allison! Did Elizabeth contact you yet regarding the Catholic Montessori album? If not, please go ahead and send another email to munequita4 at hotmail.com

I am learning to sew, little by ever so little, but only have some nice scraps. I've been making fabric flowers out of them for my two little girls. After having 4 boys in a row, it's a lot of fun!

Take care,

allison said...

no, Elizabeth has not yet. I will email her again, thank you!

How do you make fabric flower? I would love to know! Our girls would love to give it a try i'm sure!

Thanks Susana,


Fidelio said...

Oh, you should have asked me this about a month ago, before everything got cleaned up and tossed out. I'll bring up what I've got when I come for the dance.

allison said...

Thank you! ...and by the way - a month ago i had not had my latest great idea! : P

Jessica said...

I have SO MANY I could send you! I've had two girls and my son going through and using what they can for whatever they want, but it's still adding up faster than they're using it! Let me know if you're still in need and I'll box it up and let you know how much it weighs.
