"Do not yield to discouragement in the face of difficulties and do not abandon yourselves to false solutions which often seem the easiest way to overcome problems. Do not be afraid to make a commitment, to face hard work and sacrifice, to choose the paths that demand fidelity and constancy, humility and dedication. Be confident in your youth and its profound desires for happiness, truth, beauty and genuine love! Live fully this time in your life so rich and so full of enthusiasm."
"Let us look with greater hope to the future; let us encourage one another on our journey."
~ Papa Benedict XVI

Prayers for the Protection of the Unborn

Another way to continue your prayers for these little ones is to Spiritually Adopt one of these sweet wee ones....

Your children can make a bookmark with a picture and the following prayer:

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to save the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted, and who is in danger of abortion.

Mary, our Mother in Heaven, pray for us, and especially for your little ones in danger of abortion! Amen.

A separate card could be made for each member of your family.
Be sure to include the following information on your cards:

I spiritually adopted baby ______________________ today.

He/She will be born ____________________.

While we will never know these children personally, they will forever benefit from our prayers.