"Do not yield to discouragement in the face of difficulties and do not abandon yourselves to false solutions which often seem the easiest way to overcome problems. Do not be afraid to make a commitment, to face hard work and sacrifice, to choose the paths that demand fidelity and constancy, humility and dedication. Be confident in your youth and its profound desires for happiness, truth, beauty and genuine love! Live fully this time in your life so rich and so full of enthusiasm."
"Let us look with greater hope to the future; let us encourage one another on our journey."
~ Papa Benedict XVI

Monday, January 24, 2011

Guest Writer!

I am B, today's guest writer. I am part of a FIRST Lego League team. FLL is an worldwide challenge for kids ages 9-14 created by FIRST, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. FLL is very fun. I love building with Legos and designing robots, so the main challenge part is perfect for me. We also do a themed Find-a-problem-and-solve project. This year the theme is Biomedical engineering, and my team designed a portable oxygen concentrator for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, a disease that weakens the lungs. My team had to do a qualifying regional tournament, and we placed 2nd in robot design, a qualifying position. Our state tournament is this Saturday, and I hope we do well.

Taking a break - State Qualifier for North Carolina

Ready to go! - State Qualifier for North Carolina

Settin' up - Lansdale Tune-up, Lansdale, PA

Mallow Man

We had fun!

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